It was a somewhat quiet, sincere whiskey break this eve. What with most soon tossing off hither and yon for festivus, a somberish tone was the order of the end of the day. A pair of fine notes were on tap, the benevolent triple distilled Auchentoshan Classic (not sure what the coconut means) and the lovely 12 year Bunnahabhain. Down the silky sisters went, amid various tales of restive holiday travel, woe, or otherwise. Mostly woe, though.

So, there it is, folks. The final whiskey break of the year has passed (we still await a photo of our Christman tree decorating whiskey break, and the culprit who reads this will know who he is). But anon, gentle readers. We sally forth, witlessly and not, into the new year of 2010. 2010! Imagine.
Weren't we supposed to living on Mars by now?